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The book


Contributors: Jeffrey Carl

Jeff spent his adolesence going through a remarkably long 'snotty' phase, and dedicated himself through high school and college to finding new ways to make an ass of himself in front of larger and larger groups of people. These ambitions have over the years included a career as a non-award-winning playwright, and as a journalist and columnist for a number of newspapers and technology magazines.

After a series of fulfilling yet astonishingly unlucrative jobs in journalism, he came to Northern Virginia to make his fortune in the Internet boom. Through no fault of his own, he found himself a junior telecom marketing executive who now needed to make conversation about the finer points of Bordeaux wines despite the fact that he had spent the past five years drinking nothing but cheap scotch and Mountain Dew.

Jeff miraculously graduated with a BA from the University of Richmond, and somehow scammed his way into a MBA from the University of Maryland, University College. Jeff lives in Seattle and is currently working on writing a book based on this website.

One more thing

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